Welcome to LivingInJohnsCreek.com!

LivingInJohnsCreek.com provides information to help you buy, sell, and invest in homes in Johns Creek (North Atlanta). We assist and educate current and future residents of Johns Creek by publishing the latest market information, trends, and information articles. This website is periodically updated. Check back for the latest updates.

Matthew Chan, MBA
Real Estate Associate Broker
Johns Creek Distinctions
- “Johns Creek schools named AP Schools of Distinction” (Gwinnett Daily Post, Feb. 26, 2021)
- “2021 AP Honor Schools Named In Johns Creek” (Patch.com, Feb. 24, 2021)
- Johns Creek listed #1 as “Safest Large Cities in Georgia” (AdvisorSmith, September 24, 2020)
- “Survey Ranks Johns Creek As One Of Georgia’s Safest Cities” (Patch.com, May 28, 2020)
- “High schools in Johns Creek attain high state rankings, according to U.S. News & World Report” (Apr. 23, 2020)
- “3 Johns Creek high schools ranked among state’s best” (Gwinnett Daily Post, Feb. 28, 2020
- “Three Johns Creek high schools named AP Schools of Distinction by the Georgia Department of Education” (Gwinnett Daily Post, Feb. 15, 2020)
- Johns Creek ranked #2 “2020 Best Places to Raise a Family in Georgia” (Niche.com)
- Johns Creek ranked #3 “2020 Best Places to Live in Georgia” (Niche.com)
- Johns Creek in “Top 20 Places to Live in America” (Money.com, September 19, 2019)
- “Johns Creek Ranked 3rd Safest City To Raise A Child: Report” (Patch.com, Aug. 20, 2019)
- “Johns Creek Named One Of Safest Cities In America” (SafeHome.org, April 17, 2019)
- “Johns Creek Ranked 3rd Safest City To Raise A Child” (Safewise, August 20, 2019)
- “Johns Creek ranked third safest city in the country for children” (Gwinnett Daily Post, August 31, 2019)
- City of Johns Creek wins Amazon’s “City on a Cloud” Innovation Challenge for 2nd Consecutive Year (December 4, 2019)
- “Johns Creek listed #3 as “America’s Best 50 Cities to Live In” (USA Today, Nov. 5, 2015)
Johns Creek Live Market Update – City Comparison to Alpharetta, Cumming, Duluth
Live market charts are updated daily.